
Nomination Form-Google Forms

If you or someone you know is interested in volunteer leadership opportunities within the Delaware Library Association (DLA), please submit a nomination. If you are considering nominating someone, please make sure that you speak with them first to ensure that they are interested, willing, and have the time to commit to the position.

The open positions are:

Vice President / President-Elect
The ideal candidate will have had previous involvement within DLA. The president-elect shall serve the first year after election as vice-president, the second year as president, and the third year as immediate past president, for a total of 3 years of service. In the first year as vice-president, this person will also serve as the conference co-chair. Along with the past president, they will assist the Maryland Library Association Conference Committee in planning the annual conference. Here are the duties of the first year, and the rest can be found on the DLA website:

  • Term: One year term.
  • Duties:
    1. Must be a personal member of DLA and is strongly encouraged to also be a member of ALA during term of office as DLA Vice President.
    2. Must be the chair of the DLA Conference Planning Committee.
    3. To serve on the Executive Board.
    4. In the absence of the president to assume his/her duties.
    5. To serve, ex officio, on all standing committees in the absence of the president.
    6. To perform duties as assigned by the president.
    7. May preside over virtual meetings on special topics as needed.
    8. To serve as a member of the Handbook Committee.

This is a voting member of the Executive Board.


No open positions at the moment.


No open positions at the moment.