The DLA/MLA Conference takes place in Cambridge, Maryland, May 8-10, 2024. The DLA/MLA Conference represents the full range of library organizations (academic, school, public, specialized, etc.) and positions within the library. We want to see submissions from those in public, private, school, and academic libraries.
We want to see submissions from librarians, support staff, circulation staff, those in the collection development department, catalogers, leaders, human resource generalists, those doing mobile services, degreed and non-degreed workers, processing staff, graphic designers, those fundraising for their organization, etc.! Because of this, we encourage and invite submissions/participation from staff at all levels and types of organizations
Theme in 2024:
Seeds of Change is our theme for the conference. We put together a few thoughts to expand on the idea to give you something to consider as you think about your own proposal.
The 2024 Annual Conference Committee is comprised of the following people:
Conference Planning Meetings: