Youth Services Division (YSD)

Youth Services Division logo. A blue circle with the DLA green branch logo extending upwards.
New! The YSD Division of DLA is excited to share their newly adopted logo for the Division. This logo will now be used to help identify the Division both within the DLA community and outside as well.


YSD works to:

  1. promote library service for youth librarianship within and for the public libraries in Delaware.
  2. cooperate in the promotion of general and joint
    enterprises within the Association and with other library groups, and to represent and interpret library service to youth in contacts outside the profession.
  3. have full authority within the Delaware Library Association in respect to all programs and policies which concern only the area of library service to youth in Delaware, and to act for the Association in this area.
  4. study, approve, and sponsor standards, laws, and financial support for library service to youth in coordination with the State Division of Libraries, the Delaware Library Trustee Association, and all other appropriate organizations.
  5. conduct activities and projects for improvement and
    extension of library service to youth and for stimulation of the
    development of librarians and staff members engaged in library service to youth in Delaware.
    DLA Handbook, p. 34.

The officers and the past president are the Executive Board of the Division. Vice Presidents are also part of the Conference Committee.  (As of 2017, YSD has two-year terms.)


Rachel West
Library Manager
Hockessin Library
Phone: (302) 239-5160

Vice President|President-Elect/Conference Committee Chair

Hilary Fudge
Bridgeville Public Library
Youth Services Coordinator
Phone: (302) 337-7401 ext. 104


Terri Jones
Hockessin Library
Youth Services Librarian
Phone: (302) 395-5963

Past President

Susan Elizabeth Cordle
Administrative Librarian
Delaware Division of Libraries
Phone: (302) 257-3011
