
Supporting Future Librarianship

The Delaware Library Association (DLA) offers scholarships to assist students enrolled in a library certification, ALA-accredited Master’s Degree, or Doctoral Degree program, as well as high school students wishing to pursue a career in librarianship or writing.

Contact Katie McDonough Chair of the DLA Scholarships, Awards & Citations Committee, or any member of the Executive Board with questions.

DLA Scholarships

Library Certification, Master’s, or Doctoral Degrees

DDL-DLA Application Form (use for both)
Due Date: April 1 each year

High School Juniors and Seniors

Other Scholarship/Incentive Opportunities

Delaware Division of Libraries (DDL)
Ada Leigh Soles Memorial Professional Librarian and Archivist Incentive Scholarship

University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press

View list of previous DLA Scholarship Recipients