
YALSA’s Legislation Committee hopes to equip librarians across the country with tools to help them connect with elected officials and #act4teens by sharing stories of impact from their libraries. District Days is your chance to share the amazing work the libraries in your state are doing to change the lives of teens. Please consider forwarding this email to your professional networks to spread the word about District Days.

District Days 2016 runs from August 1 through September 5. At this time, elected officials will be in their home districts. Please consider reaching out to your congresspeople to invite them to visit your library or make an appointment to visit their offices. Involve your teen library users to share their stories in writing or in person. This is our chance to familiarize our elected officials with the very real work of libraries. Help connect the faces and stories of the library with the policy makers in Washington!

Visit ALA’s Legislative Action Center website to find contact information for your district’s representative in one easy place. You can find office addresses, plus social media accounts. Then, decide how you’d like to engage. Will you engage via Twitter? Perhaps you’ll invite your Representative to attend a special program. Maybe you’ll make an appointment at their office to share facts about the impact of your library and libraries at large. YALSA’s District Days Wiki has oodles of tools you can use, including sample invitation letters, step-by-step processes, and reproducible advocacy tools.

Thank you for supporting YALSA’s advocacy work by participating in District Days. PLEASE, share the stories of how you engaged with your Senators and Representatives! Our Legislative Committee wants to know; we’ll pass them on! You can email Allie, who is on the YALSA Organization and Bylaws Committee, at calcolib@gmail.com or send an email to the chair of the Legislation Committee, Heather Dickerson, at hdickerson@lclibrary.org.

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