Join the Delaware Library Association’s College & Research Libraries Division (CRLD) on
January 25th at 2pm for a free webinar,
“Graphic Medicine: Planting the Seeds for Health Literacy,” with Evelyn Hudson and Michelle Feigin of the Delaware Health and Social Services Library. Graphic medicine is the intersection of health and wellness with comic books. The DHSS Library is the first library in Delaware to house a Graphic Medicine collection, which includes graphic novels, memoirs, and illustrated texts related to healthcare, wellness, and social issues. The DHSS Librarians will provide an overview of graphic medicine, explain the ways graphic medicine promotes health literacy, review how to start a collection at your library, and help you illustrate your own health experience. Don’t miss out on this great way to “plant the seeds” for patron health literacy. This webinar is free to attend and is open to all.
Please register at this link to receive the zoom login info. This webinar will be recorded, and all registrants will receive a copy of the recording.