State Friends Update – January 2018

The Friends of Delaware Libraries is proud to announce the presentation of Library Champion and First Life-Time Member to Rick Geisenberger, Secretary of Finance, Delaware. The presentation was held at the Delaware Library Town Meeting, December 7, 2017, at the Route 9 Library and Innovation Center. Mr. Geisenberger has been a library supporter and advocate for his entire life and the Friends were pleased to publicly proclaim him a Library Champion.

President Kay Bowes presents Rick Geisenberger with his award


Also, the Friends of Delaware Libraries has added another director to its Executive Board. Joining Secretary Theo Loppatto (Sussex County), Treasurer Gwen Elliott (Kent County), Bob Wetherall (Kent County), Kay Wheatley (Sussex County) and President Kay Bowes (New Castle County) is Steve Newton (New Castle County), retired from Delaware Division of Libraries. Welcome, Steve! You are a great addition.