MLA/DLA Conference Sponsorships

The Delaware Library Association’s Social Justice Committee aims to increase awareness of social justice issues in Delaware Libraries, as well as recommending or taking appropriate action to right injustices. In service of this goal, the committee, in partnership with the Delaware Division of Libraries, will sponsor up to four (4) DLA members to attend the MLA/DLA Conference 2022. To serve our goals outlined above, awardees will be from a group that is underrepresented in librarianship. This might include but is not limited to black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC), people in the LGBTQ+ community, religious minorities, or people with disabilities.

This sponsorship includes registration at the DLA member rate and travel funding (two (2) nights at the conference hotel, and $100 each for travel and food).

After the conference, sponsorship recipients will be asked to create a brief write-up on their experience for the DLA Bulletin.

To apply for the sponsorship please fill out this form. Applications are due March 25, 2022, and awardees will be notified by April 8, 2022.

Questions may be directed to Kayla Abner.