Call for Summer Bulletin Content!

Now is the time to submit content for our Summer 2024 issue of the DLA  Bulletin. Let us know what cool things you’ve been up to since the Spring! Due to medical leave, this will be our last issue until March 2025. Your submission could be:
  • A recap of a successful library program
  • A division, committee, or working group update — what is your group working on right now?
  • A cool collection or program you have at your library
  • A recap of a conference session
  • Awards or recognitions of DLA members
  • Upcoming professional development opportunities for DLA members
  • Events of interest to DLA members
  • A call for participation — need volunteers for a DLA-adjacent event? Or a collaborator for a project?
Please use the  Communications team Google Form to submit content for the Bulletin, or email your content to me directly. Most submissions are between 100 and 500 words, but there may be room for longer content. Keep in mind that the primary audience for the Bulletin is other DLA members. Please submit content by Friday, August 16. The Summer issue will then be published on August 23.