
DLA Members receive access to Skilltype, a skill development software

Delaware Library Legislative Day – Thursday, January 28, 2021

Building support before you need it – Patrick “PC” Sweeney

Legislator panel discussion – Sen. Gay, Sen. McBride, Sen. Pinkney, Rep. Lambert, Rep. Carson represented by aide Christine Klapp

Delaware Library Legislative Day – Wednesday, January 27, 2021

The DNA of good advocacy – Tom Sheridan

Advocacy 101: Leverage your voice for results – Melissa Hopkins
Advocacy 101 slides

Legislator panel discussion – Sen. Lockman, Sen. Mantzavinos, Sen. Poore represented by aide Alexa Adams, Sen. Wilson represented by aide Rebecca Calvello, Rep. Gray

Delaware Library Legislative Day  – Tuesday, January 26, 2021

President’s Welcome – Catherine Wimberley

Library funding milestones & current updates – Dr. Annie Norman
Library Funding Milestones document
Our Bold Path Forward PowerPoint slides

Public library construction initiatives / Budget forecast – Katie McDonough / Secretary of State Jeffrey Bullock

UDLib/Search – Dr. Sandra Millard

Data Storytelling: Learn How to Show the Value of Your Library Assets
October 16, 2020; online

Link to recording
Link to presentation slides

Knowing your Value: How to Assess and Communicate the Value of Your Library
May 12, 2020; online

Link to recording
Link to presentation slides

Tips and Tricks for Meeting with Delaware Legislators
January 23, 2020; Dover Public Library, Legislative Day Lite

Link to recording
Link to presentation slides